How to Repair a Laptop Computer for Free
Step 1
Fix a noisy laptop computer by cleaning the interior, with special attention to the fans. Place the laptop upside down and remove the screws that hold the case in place.
Step 2
Remove the case. Look over the entire interior of the laptop and remove any large pieces of lint or dust with a pair of tweezers.
Step 3
Locate the cooling fans. You will recognize them as small devices with blades that look like a miniature propeller. Use a vacuum with the narrowest attachment and carefully position it to suck any dust out of the fan areas. Put the case back on and refasten the screws.
Step 4
Fix a laptop operating system that has bogged down in regards to performance or performs unwanted actions by installing and using an anti-virus software program.
Step 5
Go to and download the free anti-virus software there.
Step 6
Return to the desktop of the operating system and open the Avast program. From the main program window, locate the button on the upper right。Move your mouse over it in order to display the text, "Scan all local drives" and then click on the button.
Step 7
Watch the program as it scans your computer for any viruses, spyware or adware. Select the "Quarantine" option when you are prompted with the question, "What action would you like to take?"
Step 8
Return to the desktop, close all open programs and restart your computer. You are finished using these easy and free fixes for laptop computers.